March 2023

Improved provider status page

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature24 March 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification

We made some improvements to the TrueLayer provider status page. Each provider is now listed with their name, rather than provider id.

iOS SDK v2.4.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature20 March 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP

The latest version of the iOS SDK includes support for Signup+, as well as several bug fixes and UI improvements.

Improved filters and exports in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature15 March 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Not applicable

We improved the payments view in Console, adding the ability to filter the view by a date range, and also adding more customisable fields to CSV exports.