Automated account sweeping [PayDirect]

Learn how to set up and update automated account sweeping, get details of sweep account transactions, and disable automatic account sweeping.



This feature is in private beta and is currently available to a limited number of clients. To join our private beta, contact Client Care.

You can set up automated sweeping to maintain a certain maximum balance in your accounts.

Automated sweeping is not enabled by default. Before setting it up, you must finish KYC onboarding. Also, note that we only support GBP sweeping. GBP sweeping must target a UK IBAN.

Set up or update account sweeping

You can set up automated sweeping for a given currency. At regular intervals, any available balance in excess of the configured max_amount_in_minor is withdrawn to a preconfigured IBAN. The default time interval for automated sweeping is daily.

Update your sweeping configurations (such as changing the frequency or max_amount_in_minor) by making a POST /v1/sweep call with the updated values. We will use the latest value for a given currency.

currencyMandatorystringISO 4217 Currency Code of the account sweep source.
max_amount_in_minorMandatorynumberThe desired maximum amount, specified in terms of the smallest denomination of the payment currency. Above this amount, money will be automatically withdrawn.
frequencyOptionalstringHow often the available balance will be checked for sweeping: daily, weekly or fortnightly. Defaults to daily.
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
  -H "X-TL-Signature: $signature" \
  --data '{
    "currency": "GBP",
    "max_amount_in_minor": 100000,
    "frequency": "daily"
  }' \

Get automated account sweeping details

You can get all current automated sweeping configurations by making a GET /v1/sweep call.

currencyISO 4217 Currency Code StringCurrency of the account sweep source.
max_amount_in_minornumberThe desired maximum amount, specified in terms of the smallest denomination of the payment currency. Above this amount, money will be automatically withdrawn.
ibanstringThe IBAN of the target account that funds will be withdrawn into. This is pre-configured & validated as part of KYC onboarding.
frequencystringHow often the available balance will be checked for sweeping.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"

If you haven't enabled automated sweeping, you'll get a 404 error.

If automated sweeping is enabled, you'll get a response like this:

  "results": [
      "currency": "GBP",
      "max_amount_in_minor": 100000,
      "iban": "GB43BUKB20201666666666",
      "frequency": "daily"

Disable automated account sweeping

Disable automated sweeping for a given currency.

currencyMandatoryISO 4217 Currency Code StringCurrency of the account sweep source
curl -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
  -H "X-TL-Signature: $signature" \
  --data '{"currency": "GBP"}' \