Payments scopes

Payments tokens are associated with scopes that control what you can use them for.

When you create a payment access token or resource token, scopes that you include in the request body indicate what features you want to use. To specify these, include a space-separated list of scopes in the scope object.

You cannot make requests to an endpoint unless the corresponding scopes are enabled. For example, the payments scope allows you to make requests to the /payments endpoint.

If you are using Insomnia, add these in TrueLayer Payments V3 > Authentication > Generate Access Token > Form.

The table below explains the scopes that you can specify when you generate an access token. You receive an access_token when you call the auth endpoint (connect/token).

paymentsRequired to make single payments.
recurring_payments:sweepingRequired to create sweeping VRP mandates.

Include the payments scope when you create a VRP mandate, to ensure payments can be made on the mandate later.
recurring_payments:commercialRequired to create commercial VRP mandates.

Include the payments scope when you create a VRP mandate, to ensure payments can be made on the mandate later.
signupplusRequired to collect user details through a payment using the Signup+ API.


For more information on our legacy scopes, payouts and paydirect, see the Legacy API documentation.

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