April 2024

React Native SDK v2.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature22 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
React Native

This version of the React Native SDK has been updated to use the underlying Android and iOS SDK version 3.1.0.

The most significant change in this release is the addition of the resultShown property to the processorResult type. This means that you can see which payment or mandate result screen was displayed to the user.

You can download v2.1.0 of the React Native SDK on GitHub here.

Returns for payouts and refunds

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
Non-breaking change15 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon Payouts

As of 15 April 2024, payouts and refunds can now transition from executed to failed in some rare cases. This happens when the bank 'returns' the payment. For example, when the beneficiary account has been closed.

Learn more about how payout and refund returns work.


This behaviour applies to all new and integrations (and the associated client_ids) created from 15 April 2024. For any integrations created before this date, you need to contact us if you want to enable this behaviour.

You can see if a payout or refund has been returned in several places:

iOS SDK v3.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature8 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

This version of the iOS SDK includes some visual changes, bug fixes, improvements so you can see the result screen shown to the user, and improvements to provider search for users:

  • Improved the UI for users to learn more about how VRP mandates work.
  • Added an a new resultShown enum to the processSinglePayment and processMandate completion handlers. This tells you which payment or mandate result was shown to the user if the result screen is enabled.
  • Users can now search for countries when selecting a provider by using a 2- or 3-letter country code.
  • Branch searching has been improved for users to make it easier to find an intended branch.
  • Default colours for primary and secondary buttons have been changed.
  • An error now displays in rare cases where there is no additional input available for a user to select.

You can download v3.1.0 of the iOS SDK on GitHub here.

Android SDK v3.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature4 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

This version of the Android SDK includes some UX improvements, improvements so you can see the result screen shown to the user, and some bug fixes:

  • Improved the UI for users to learn more about how VRP mandates work.
  • There is a new ResultShown callback you can use to see the payment or mandate result that the user received.
  • Fixed an issue where users would be forced to update all fields if one was incorrect. For example, users would have to update both username and password if validation found that one was incorrect.

You can download v3.1.0 of the Android SDK on GitHub here.