September 2024

Scheme selection for payouts

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature20 September 2024PayoutsAll

You can now choose how a payout settles using scheme selection. You can select a payment scheme for your payout by using the scheme_selection object inside the Create payout request.

Retry options removed for new UIs (web SDK and hosted page) when retry isn’t available

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
Fix20 September 2024PaymentsWeb SDK, hosted page

In some geographies, payment retries are not supported yet. When you do not pass a retry object in a payment request, the UI changes to remove actions that your user cannot perform without retries.

First-party webviews now supported by Web SDK

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature20 September 2024PayoutsAll

The Web SDK is now compatible with first-party webviews.

Payout and refund metadata from the merchant account /transactions endpoint

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature20 September 2024PayoutsAll

When you call the /transactions endpoint, you can now see the metadata associated with any payouts or refunds.

NRB supported in payments requests

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature19 September 2024PayoutsAll

NRB is now a type of account_identifier that you can use in payouts to an external account.

Provider availability webhook

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature9 September 2024PaymentsAll

When a provider changes status (from healthy to unhealthy or vice versa), you now receive a webhook which describes the event.

Note that TrueLayer UIs all automatically indicate, and disallow users from selecting, unhealthy providers.