December 2022

iOS SDK v2.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature23 December 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP

The latest version of the iOS SDK simplifies the set up of the Payments API v3 as part of an iOS integration. It supports payment creation, mandate creation, and payment statuses.

This version works regardless of the Swift version in use, and also if there is legacy Objective-C code. Learn more in our documentation.

Decoupled payment authorisation flow

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature20 December 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
HPP, EPP, Direct API integration

Decoupled payment flows enable payments that require customers to authorise payments in a 'decoupled' platform. For example, a separate banking app. This is a common requirement in certain countries such as Germany.

Decoupled payment authorisation is enabled by default for payments made via the HPP and EPP. As part of a direct API integration, the wait action enables you to complete this flow.

Merchant account and payments reporting in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature19 December 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Not applicable

We have introduced two new dashboards in Console to help you administrate your integration and view payments.

The first dashboard is the Merchant Account section in Console, and includes historical balances for the past 7 days and 6 months, the ability to generate reports for specific days or months, and easier access to information.

The second dashboard is the Payments view in Console, which includes a view of payments, their statuses and other information. This was available on request previously, but is now enabled for all Console users.

Smart retries for VRPs

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature9 December 2022Icon VRP
Not applicable

We added the ability to retry payments over a mandate with a smart behaviour. This retries the payment when it's most likely to go through. To enable this, use smart as the type for the payment_method.retry parameter when you create a payment on a mandate.

November 2022

Embedded Payments page documentation

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature25 November 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

We released documentation for our embedded payments page. This enables you to display a user interface for payment and mandate authorisation embedded on a page, with no need to direct the user to a different page.

Learn about and how to set up the embedded payment page.

iOS SDK v2.0.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature22 November 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP

This latest version of the iOS SDK added support for mandate creation through the iOS SDK. This version of the SDK also supports cocoapods.

Scheme selection at payment creation

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature04 November 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Android SDK, React Native SDK, Direct API integration

We've added a new parameter to payment creation requests that enables you to specify your preferred scheme selection method. You can enforce instant payment schemes, allow a fall back to non-instant schemes, preselect the scheme, or let the user select a scheme.

You specify the scheme selection method in the payment_method.provider_selection.scheme_selection parameter.

Learn more about scheme select as part of a payment.

October 2022

Payments table for merchants in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature19 October 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Payouts
Not applicable

We have released a new screen in Console that enables you to see a list of payments made to your merchant account. Learn more about the payments view, or visit the page in Console.

Reconfirmation of consent for Data connections

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature17 October 2022Icon DataNot applicable

We released a new flow that means customers can extend their consent to the Data API without the need for strong customer authentication. To use this new flow, you use the /connections/extend endpoint.

Your user interface must be compliant in order to reconfirm consent and extend user connections. Learn more.

Previously used banks in the iOS SDK

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature12 October 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP

This latest version of the iOS SDK includes an improvement where user's previously used banking providers display for easy selection in repeated payments.

September 2022

Support for France and Germany in iOS and Android SDKs

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature26 SeptemberIcon Payments
Icon VRP
iOS, Android

We recently added support for French and German providers to both our iOS and Android SDKs.

Execution delay testing in Sandbox

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature26 September 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
HPP, EPP, Direct API integration

We added new testing scenarios to TrueLayer's mock providers in sandbox. You can now test payments that will either execute or be rejected with a delay. This can be useful to ensure your integrations test for potential delays in live payment scenarios.

payment_authorized webhook in Payments v3

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature09 September 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

We introduced a new payment_authorized webhook. This informs you when a payment has been authorised, but is not yet executed.

August 2022

References for pay-ins and payouts

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature26 August 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Payouts
Not applicable

We added a new reference parameter for payment creation requests into a merchant account. This displays next to any relevant payments in Console, and also if you use a GET request to retrieve a payment or list of transactions.

Additionally, we also introduced a metadata parameter for payouts, where you can specify up to 10 key value pairs to help with payout reconciliation.

 Payment expiration

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature18 August 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

In the Payments API v3, any payments in the UK and some EUR payments are now automatically expired after 15 minutes.

Multifactor authentication (MFA) in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature03 August 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification
Not applicable

We now support MFA for sign-ins to Console through Google Authenticator. This supports a variety of secondary authentication methods such as one-time passwords, FIDO security keys, FIDO device biometrics, and Recovery codes.

Learn how to set up MFA in Console.

July 2022

Reconfirmation of consent sandbox for Data API

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature29 July 2022Icon DataNot applicable

We added the ability to test reconfirmation of consent for Data API connections to our sandbox environment. This can be tested through the /connections/extend endpoint.

Embedded payment authorisation flow for German payments

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature28 July 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification
HPP, EPP, Direct API integration

Refund endpoints for the Payments API v3

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature01 July 2022Icon Payments
Icon Payouts
Not applicable

You can now refund payments more simply through a variety of refund endpoints, instead of having to use a payout. The new endpoints include the /payments/{id}/refunds endpoint to create a refund or get details on all refunds for a given payment, and /payments/{id}/refunds/{id} to get details for a given refund.

Learn more about refunds.

June 2022

No notable changes

May 2022

Payments API v3 general availability release

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature17 May 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Payouts
HPP, EPP, iOS, Android, Direct API integration

We are publicly releasing TrueLayer's Payments API v3. This new version of the Payments API includes a variety of powerful features including new, simplified, endpoints, a hosted payment page, mobile SDKs, and client and request signing libraries to help you integrate smoothly.

Europe support for the Hosted Payment Page

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature04 May 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP

We've now added support for a variety of European countries to the hosted payment page. This includes Spain, Portugal, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and Poland. More countries will be added as they become available.

April 2022

Settlement risk flags

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature26 April 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

We have added a settlement_risk object to the payment_executed webhook. You can use this to consider payments as complete before settlement in certain low-risk scenarios.


This feature has been deprecated. You should now use the payment_creditable webhook to determine the risk of payment settlement.

Release of our variable recurring payments API

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature26 April 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

We have released a new API and series of endpoints that enable you to create and accept variable recurring payments. View our documentation to learn more.

Official wording for Data API consent collection

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature21 April 2022Icon DataNot applicable

We have released a variety of wording and templates you can use in your Data API auth dialog to ensure it's compliant. This is subject to change, but you can always see the latest wording to use in your integration in our docs here.

Payments v3 configuration in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature13 AprilIcon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Payouts
Not applicable

Console now contains an introductory flow that helps you get started with the Payments API v3. It also contains a variety of screens to help you configure your existing integration, for example to upload signing keys or change webhook URIs.

March 2022

QR code handoff for the hosted payment page

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature31 March 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP

Payment authorisation journeys that are started on desktop now display a page with a QR code. Users can scan this to authorise their payment on mobile through their banking app for a simplified experience. No integration is required if you use the hosted payment page.

PayDirect users can now use Payments v2

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature08 March 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification
Not applicable

All PayDirect integrations now use Payments v2 by default.


Both the PayDirect and Payments v2 APIs are now legacy APIs. Use Payments v3 for all new payments integrations.

February 2022

Payments v3 API available in beta

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature02 February 2022Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Payouts
HPP, iOS, Android, Direct API integration

The Payments API v3 is now available in beta, including the API, hosted payment page, and mobile SDKs.

January 2022

Multiple apps in sandbox in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature27 January 2022Icon Payments
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification
Not applicable

It's now possible to create and test multiple apps in Console. Before, you could only have one app per account.