React Native SDK v2.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature22 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
React Native

This version of the React Native SDK has been updated to use the underlying Android and iOS SDK version 3.1.0.

The most significant change in this release is the addition of the resultShown property to the processorResult type. This means that you can see which payment or mandate result screen was displayed to the user.

You can download v2.1.0 of the React Native SDK on GitHub here.

Dynamic merchant logos in the HPP and EPP

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature19 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP

It's now possible to dynamically select a merchant logo when users authorise a payment or mandate through the hosted payment page and embedded payment page. To do this, you need to provide a URL with the required merchant logo at payment or mandate creation (which we need to approve the domain of).

Learn how to implement dynamic logos in the HPP and EPP.

Returns for payouts and refunds

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
Non-breaking change15 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon Payouts

As of 15 April 2024, payouts and refunds can now transition from executed to failed in some rare cases. This happens when the bank 'returns' the payment. For example, when the beneficiary account has been closed.

Learn more about how payout and refund returns work.


This behaviour applies to all new and integrations (and the associated client_ids) created from 15 April 2024. For any integrations created before this date, you need to contact us if you want to enable this behaviour.

You can see if a payout or refund has been returned in several places:

iOS SDK v3.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature8 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

This version of the iOS SDK includes some visual changes, bug fixes, improvements so you can see the result screen shown to the user, and improvements to provider search for users:

  • Improved the UI for users to learn more about how VRP mandates work.
  • Added an a new resultShown enum to the processSinglePayment and processMandate completion handlers. This tells you which payment or mandate result was shown to the user if the result screen is enabled.
  • Users can now search for countries when selecting a provider by using a 2- or 3-letter country code.
  • Branch searching has been improved for users to make it easier to find an intended branch.
  • Default colours for primary and secondary buttons have been changed.
  • An error now displays in rare cases where there is no additional input available for a user to select.

You can download v3.1.0 of the iOS SDK on GitHub here.

Android SDK v3.1.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature4 April 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

This version of the Android SDK includes some UX improvements, improvements so you can see the result screen shown to the user, and some bug fixes:

  • Improved the UI for users to learn more about how VRP mandates work.
  • There is a new ResultShown callback you can use to see the payment or mandate result that the user received.
  • Fixed an issue where users would be forced to update all fields if one was incorrect. For example, users would have to update both username and password if validation found that one was incorrect.

You can download v3.1.0 of the Android SDK on GitHub here.

React Native SDK v2.0.0

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature06 March 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
React Native

The latest major version of the React Native SDK contains a variety of minor improvements and bug fixes. It also includes the following larger changes, which align it with the latest versions of the iOS and Android SDKs:

  • The introduction of the payment and mandate result screen.
    This is enabled by default and you need to explicitly disable it.
  • The UI now displays Signup+ specific wording when signupplus is specified as a related_product at payment creation.
  • Made optimisations to the decoupled authorisation flow for payments in Spain.
  • Added localisation for the Italian language.
  • Added a default merchant logo if one hasn't been uploaded in Console.

You can download v2.0.0 of the React Native SDK on GitHub here

iOS SDK v3.0.1

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature23 February 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

The latest major version of the iOS SDK contains a variety of minor improvements and bug fixes. It also includes the following larger changes:

  • The introduction of the payment and mandate result screen for the iOS SDK.
    This is enabled by default and you need to explicitly disable it.
  • The position of the merchant and bank icons was swapped on the payment confirmation screen.
  • The UI now displays Signup+ specific wording when signupplus is specified as a related_product at payment creation.
  • Made optimisations to the decoupled authorisation flow for payments in Spain.
  • Added localisation for the Italian language.
  • Added a default merchant logo if one hasn't been uploaded in Console.

You can download v3.0.0 of the iOS SDK on GitHub here

Android SDK v3.0.1

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature21 February 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+

The latest major version of the Android SDK contains a variety of minor improvements and bug fixes. It also includes the following larger changes:

  • Updated the payment result screen for the Android SDK. There's now a mandate result screen in the Android SDK too. It's enabled by default, but you can disable the result screens in your integration.
  • The Android SDK no longer supports the Material Theme adaptor.
  • The UI now displays Signup+ specific wording when signupplus is specified as a related_product at payment creation.
  • Made optimisations to the decoupled authorisation flow for payments in Spain.
  • Added localisation for the Italian language.
  • Added a default logo in case the merchant doesn't upload a logo in Console.

You can download v3.0.0 of the Android SDK on GitHub here.

Removal of Material Theme adaptor for Android SDK

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
Non-breaking change21 February 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP

In v3.0.0 of the Android SDK, we removed the Material Theme adaptor. If you used that, you need to migrate to Compose when you update to the latest version of the Android SDK.

New /payment-providers/search endpoint

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature1 February 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
HPP, EPP, iOS, Android, React Native, Direct API integration

Previously, if you wanted to get a full list of providers, you had to use one of the following options:

You can now use a new Payments API v3 endpoint, /payment-providers/search, to generate a list of providers and resources for payment authorisation.

Learn more about how to use the endpoint.

Share Console invites through a link

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
Feature improvement26 January 2024Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification
Not applicable

Previously, you could only invite new users to a Console app through email. In some cases, this could be hard due to email restrictions or problems the user experienced. You can now copy a link you can share directly with users to help them sign up.

payment_settlement_stalled webhook

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature11 December 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

There is now an optional payment_settlement_stalled webhook you can enable that informs you if a payment hasn't settled after a certain period of you time.

You need to contact us to enable this webhook.

We have added two new behaviours that you can enable for the payment_creditable webhook: time-bound notifications and post-settlement notifications.

You need to contact us to enable this feature.

New returned payout and refund failure reason

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature04 December 2023Icon PayoutsNot applicable

We introduced a new failure_reason for payouts and refunds that informs you when a payout or refund is returned.

A return occurs when a payout or refund is rejected by a beneficiary bank.

Embedded payment page testing in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature21 November 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP

In Console, you can now build and test a customised UI for payment authorisation through the EPP.

Users can now see scheme fees in TrueLayer payment UIs

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New featureNovember 14 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
HPP, EPP, iOS, Android, React Native

If you use TrueLayer's hosted payment page or embedded payment page, your users now see a message advising them about fees when they select a payment scheme to make their payment over (if applicable).

The payment auth flow now adapts to Signup+ payments

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New featureNovember 7 2023Icon Signup+HPP, EPP, iOS, Android, React Native

If you use a TrueLayer payment authorisation UI, such as the HPP, EPP, or mobile SDKs, the user flow automatically adapts if a payment is made through Signup+. In this case, screens are omitted from the user flow to create a quicker and easier payment experience.

Shopify plugin

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature31 October 2023Icon PaymentsNot applicable

Our Shopify eCommerce plug-in is now available on the Shopify app store.

This plugin enables Shopify merchants to accept open banking payments through our HPP. It also enables merchants to issue refunds directly through the admin panel in Shopify.

Installation is entirely no-code and completed within Shopify, with no need to generate keys locally.

Learn how to install the Shopify plugin.

New behaviours for payment_creditable webhook

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New featureOctober 23 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP

We have added two new behaviours that you can enable for the payment_creditable webhook: time-bound notifications and post-settlement notifications.

You need to contact us to enable this feature.

Payments Operator role in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature14 September 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

There is now a Payments Operator role in Console. This is mostly the same as the previous View-only role, but can also issue refunds.

Learn more about roles and permissions in Console.

Refund payments from Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature06 September 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Not applicable

You can now issue refunds through the Console payments view. This process uses a user interface, with no need for API requests or integration.

You need to have MFA enabled for your app in order to use this feature.

Learn how to issue a refund in Console.

Payout retries enabled

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature14 August 2023Icon PayoutsNot applicable

Payout retries are now enabled for all payouts by default. This means that EU payouts are initially tried over the instant SEPA instant scheme, retried several more times after a brief delay, then ultimately retried over the more reliable but slower SEPA credit scheme.

This results in more consistent payments and a better user experience. You can also configure payout retries to suit your specific needs.

Providers page in Console

Change typeDate of changeAffected productsAffected auth flows
New feature18 July 2023Icon Payments
Icon VRP
Icon Signup+
Icon Payouts
Icon Data
Icon Verification
React Native, Direct API integration

We've now released a Providers page in Console. This page contains a variety of useful information about providers such as their maturity, coverage, and supported authorisation flows.

You need to be signed into your Console account to access it.