Android SDK release history

A timeline of updates to the Android SDK. Check back for future release notes.

3.1.04 April 2024- Improved the UI for users to learn more about how VRP mandates work.- There is a new ResultShown callback you can use to see the payment or mandate result that the user received.

- Fixed an issue where users would be forced to update all fields if one was incorrect. For example, users would have to update both username and password if validation found that one was incorrect.
3.0.121 February 2024- Updated the payment result screen for the Android SDK and added a mandate result screen in the Android SDK too. The result screens are enabled by default as of this version.

- The Android SDK no longer supports the Material Theme adaptor.
- The UI now displays Signup+ specific wording when signupplus is specified as a related_product at payment creation.
- Made optimisations to the decoupled authorisation flow for payments in Spain.
- Added localisation for the Italian language.
- Added a default logo in case the merchant doesn't upload a logo in Console.
2.6.019 September 2023- Users can now use previously saved accounts for a faster payment flow.

- The SDK now includes a payment result screen that you can use to display the final payment status to the user after they're redirected from their bank.
- Improved and redesigned bank icons.
- Support for Android 14.
2.5.121 August 2023- Fix for an issue that occurred when users selected a branch for a small number of banks in France and Germany.
2.5.017 July 2023- The SDK now has a refreshed user interface.

- When selecting a provider, users can now search for banks and branches at the same time.
- For providers that support it in Europe, the user can select between the SEPA Credit or SEPA Instant payment schemes. To enable this, ensure that you set scheme_selection to user_selected at payment creation.
- If a preselected provider is currently unavailable, the SDK now displays this.
- A non-branded connect-to-bank icon now displays for regulated customers.
- Improved instructions on the payment confirmation screen.
2.4.03 May 2023- A new screen in the payment flow for selected banks in France and Finland, which displays for international payments. This screen primes new users on how to enable international payments from their bank.

- If a provider is currently unavailable, this now displays on the provider selection screen before a user selects them.
- PISP license holders who process payments under their own certificate can now choose to remove TrueLayer branding from the user interface. Contact us to request this feature.
2.3.016 March 2023- Updated user information for Signup+ payments

- Shows cross-app recently used providers, rather than simply those used with the current app
- Extended support from Android 7.0+ (API level 24+) to Android 5.0+ (API level 21+)
Version 2.3.0 introduces the need to enable desugaring in your app. See our migration guide for guidance on how to do this, and for details of the latest dependency updates.
2.2.115 February 2023- Support for customisation when used with the React Native SDK.

- Improved error handling.
- Enhanced bank and branch search in Germany.
- Improvements to the payment flow, such as IBAN validation and displaying bank details for VRP mandates.
2.1.023 December 2022- Adds support for the upcoming React Native SDK.
2.0.114 November 2022- Support added for Android 7.0 (API level 24)

- Saves previously used branches
- Usability improvements
2.0.017 October 2022- You can now use the SDK to set up recurring payment mandates, in addition to individual payments.

- User experience improvements for the IBAN entry form.
- Bug fixes.
Version 2.0.0 introduces some small breaking changes. See our migration guide for instructions on how to update.
1.2.11 September 2022- Bug fix for text input validation
1.2.018 August 2022- SDK is now available via Maven Central

- Support for Cancel Payment, so you can understand when a user cancels the payment
- Wait action support for decoupled authentication flows
- Improved error reporting
- Updated to Compose Material 3
1.1.07 July 2022- Support for custom legal text

- Foundational support for embedded authorisation flows (not yet fully supported)
1.0.0-beta0613 June 2022Updated dependencies:

- appcompat 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2
- androidx-core 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0
- material 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1
- coil 1.4.0 -> 2.1.0
User experience improvements for text input forms
1.0.0-beta0531 May 2022- Improved error handling

- Improved accessibility for additional input forms
- Improved language selection
- Improved analytics and error reporting
1.0.0-beta044 May 2022- Support for France, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and Lithuania.

- IBAN entry form, for providers who require it.
- Branch selection form, for providers who require it.
- UI translations in French, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese and Lithuanian.
- Support for pre-selected provider IDs
- Pass a set language to override locale.
- UI bug fixes.
1.0.0-beta038 April 2022- Updated license text
1.0.0-beta0218 March 2022- Support for Ireland

- Allows the user to select their country
- Remembers previously selected country to display first
- Option to set the starting country using an initialisation parameter
- Updated legal text for EU countries
- Improved theme customisation
- Accessibility improvements
1.0.0-beta013 Feb 2022Initial SDK release.