Get data about your merchant accounts

Learn how to retrieve your merchant account IDs through the API.


You can also access you merchant account IDs on Console.

To retrieve data for all of your merchant accounts (usually one each for GBP and EUR currencies), make a GET request to the /v3/merchant-accounts endpoint.

If successful, you get a series of items in the response when you call this endpoint. Each entry in the items array includes these objects:

idStringThe id for the merchant account the other information within the JSON object
currencyStringThe ISO-4217 currency code of the currency that the merchant account is for.
account_identifierStringThe IBAN of the merchant account. Also includes the SCAN details for a GBP merchant account.
available_balance_in_minorNumberThe available balance to make payments and payouts from that merchant account.

This is in the smallest denomination of the merchant account's currency. For example, 100 is equal to 1 GBP or 1 EUR.

This balance accounts for any payments and payouts that are not yet in a terminal state and is therefore unavailable.
current_balance_in_minorNumberThe current balance in the merchant account.

This is in the smallest denomination of the merchant account's currency. For example, 100 is equal to 1 GBP or 1 EUR.

This balance includes any payments or payouts that are not yet in a terminal state, so can be higher than the amount currently available.
account_holder_nameStringThe name associated with the merchant account.

This is what the user sees on their bank statement unless you provide a different account_holder_name in the beneficiary parameter when you create a payment.

This is an example of a successful response from the /v3/merchant-accounts endpoint:

  "items": [
      "id": "AB8FA060-3F1B-4AE8-9692-4AA3131020D0",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "account_identifiers": [
          "type": "sort_code_account_number",
          "sort_code": 560029,
          "account_number": 26207729
          "type": "iban",
          "iban": "FR7630006000011234567890189"
      "available_balance_in_minor": 0,
      "current_balance_in_minor": 0,
      "account_holder_name": "string"
			"id": "eb8d82a6-0ce9-4e91-ba99-d895649633f0",
			"currency": "EUR",
			"account_identifiers": [
					"type": "iban",
					"iban": "GB86CLRB04066800015805"
			"available_balance_in_minor": 0,
			"current_balance_in_minor": 0,
			"account_holder_name": "string"

If you want to see the data for a single merchant account only, add the merchant account id as a path parameter with the /v3/merchant-accounts/{id} endpoint.