Supported Providers table

See an overview of all the banking providers we support across all geographies.


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The Supported Providers table is a page in Console with details on all the banks that we support.

The Supported Providers table.

The Supported Providers table.

As well as being searchable for a specific bank, the table allows you to filter the providers in the list by:

  • Which country they are located in
  • Which products they support (Data, Payments or VRP)
  • Whether they support app2app
    Note that some providers only support app2app for one of Payments products (PIS) or Data (AIS)
  • Whether they support SEPA Instant
  • Whether they return the account holder name when you make a Data API call

Other information that you can see in the table for each provider:

Transfer limitsTransfer limits for each provider.
Auth flows supportedWhich authorisation flows that provider supports.
Final payment statusWhat the final available payment status is for that provider (most are executed, but for some it is authorised).
SEPA Instant costFee amounts for transfers made through SEPA Instant, if applicable.
Transaction historyThe length of transaction history you receive when you make an AIS call.
Remitter IBAN requiredWhether a remitter who pays with this bank needs to include their IBAN.
PIS segmentsWhich types of accounts (PIS segments) you can make payments from and to.
Supported scopesWhich scopes the provider supports.
Provider IDOur unique identifier for that bank.

You can also sort all the banks in the table by:

  • Alphabetical order
  • Market share
  • Release stage (for PIS and AIS)

Click the arrow icons next to each column header to sort columns alphabetically or numerically (depending on the information in that field).