Variable recurring payments integration

Learn how to integrate Signup+ with the VRP flow.

There are two steps to integrating Signup+ with the variable recurring payment flow:

  1. Create and authorise a VRP mandate
  2. Retrieve user data with the VRP mandate identifier



Ensure that you use the same environment for all of your requests to TrueLayer APIs.

  • If you are in the sandbox environment, your requests should use
  • If you are in the live environment, your requests should use

1. Create and authorise a VRP mandate

The variable recurring payments flow uses a mandate id to retrieve customer data for signup. You also need to ensure that the signupplus and recurring_payments:sweeping scopes are enabled.

Integrate variable recurring payments

Before you send API requests to Signup+, you need to enable variable recurring payments in your Payments v3 integration.

See the Payments API v3 documentation or the payments quickstart guide for more about how to integrate.

Create a VRP mandate

After you've integrated the Payments API v3, you need to create a mandate.

Signup+ doesn't support the recurring_payments:commercial scope. You must use sweeping for the mandate type.

If you configure it successfully, you receive a response containing a mandate id, user id and resource_token. You will use the mandate id later to retrieve user data with Signup+.

Authorise the VRP mandate

Once your mandate has been created, your user needs to authorise it. If you try to use Signup+ with an unauthorised mandate, you receive a 422 Invalid Mandate State error.

Use any of the authorisation methods available for the Payments API v3. If the user authorises the mandate successfully, it has a status of authorized.

2. Retrieve user data with the mandate id

Now that you have a mandate id, you can make a GET request to the /signup-plus/mandates endpoint. When you make your request, ensure you include your access_token as a bearer token. Include your mandate idas a query parameter.

Below is an example of a GET request for mandates to the Signup+ endpoint:{example_mandate_id}

If your request is successful, you receive a response with user data such as below:

    "title": "Mr",
    "first_name": "Joe",
    "last_name": "Blogs",
    "date_of_birth": "2000-06-20",
    "address": {
        "address_line1": "Flat 1a",
        "address_line2": "Angels Court, Foxtrot Street",
        "city": "Stockport",
        "state": "Edgeley",
        "zip": "SK3 9LQ",
        "country_code": "GB"
    "account_details": {
        "sort_code": "04-01-02",
        "account_number": "41921234"