Card data requests

Learn about the different types of card data you can request with the Data API.

You can also use the Data API to get balance and transaction data associated with a user's card.

However, some providers do not support the cards scope. You can make a GET request to /providers to discover what data each provider supports by checking the scopes parameter provided in the response.

How far back you can request transactions from varies depending upon provider.

Get data for all cards

To get all stored user cards and associated data, make a GET request to /cards .

You need to enable the cards scope in Console to make this request.

/cards request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \

/cards response example

  "results": [
      "account_id": "f7b093437032c216d4350b7d442b9c5ccc0e9f19",
      "card_network": "VISA",
      "card_type": "CREDIT",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "display_name": "Club Credit Card",
      "partial_card_number": "0044",
      "name_on_card": "A. N. Other",
      "valid_from": "2017-01",
      "valid_to": "2018-01",
      "update_timestamp": "2017-02-07T17:29:24.740802Z",
      "provider": {
        "provider_id": "lloyds"
      "account_id": "ad86fb1c213245b6b6594895068973efca5f9367",
      "card_network": "MASTERCARD",
      "card_type": "CHARGE",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "display_name": "Club Charge Card",
      "partial_card_number": "0055",
      "name_on_card": "A. N. Other",
      "valid_from": "2017-01",
      "valid_to": "2018-01",
      "update_timestamp": "2017-02-07T17:29:24.740802Z",
      "provider": {
        "provider_id": "lloyds"

/cards response fields

account_idstringUnique identifier of the account.
card_networkstringProcessing network (for example, VISA).
card_typestringType of card (for example, Credit).
currencystringISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code of the account.
display_namestringHuman-readable name of the account.
partial_card_numberstringLast 4 digits of the card.
name_on_cardstringIf available, the name on the card.
valid_fromstringIf available, the valid from date.
valid_tostringIf available, the valid to date.
update_timestampdatetimeLast updated time of the card information
provider.display_namestringDisplay name for the provider.Deprecated
provider.logo_uristringURI for the provider logo.Deprecated
provider.provider_idstringUnique identifier for the provider.

Note that the provider attributes display_name and logo_uri are deprecated. Details about the providers are available through the separate /providers endpoint.

Supported card networks

The card_network field can currently return the following results and supported networks.

AMEXProcessing network is American Express.
MASTERCARDProcessing network is Mastercard.
VISAProcessing network is VISA.
NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GEOProcessing network is not supported in the geographical location.
NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_PROVIDERProcessing network is not supported by the provider.

Get data for a specific card

You can make a GET request to /cards/${account_id} to get data for a specific card.

You need to enable the cards scope in Console to make this request.

/card/{account_id} request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \${account_id}

/card/{account_id} response example

  "results": [
      "account_id": "f7b093437032c216d4350b7d442b9c5ccc0e9f19",
      "card_network": "VISA",
      "card_type": "CREDIT",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "display_name": "Club Credit Card",
      "partial_card_number": "0044",
      "name_on_card": "A. N. Other",
      "valid_from": "2017-01",
      "valid_to": "2018-01",
      "update_timestamp": "2017-02-07T17:29:24.740802Z",
      "provider": {
        "provider_id": "lloyds"

/card/{account_id}response fields

account_idstringUnique identifier of the account.
card_networkstringProcessing network (for example, VISA).
card_typestringType of card (for example, Credit).
currencystringISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code of the account.
display_namestringHuman-readable name of the account
partial_card_numberstringLast 4 digits of the card.
name_on_cardstringIf available, the name on the card.
valid_fromstringIf available, the valid from date.
valid_tostringIf available, the valid to date.
update_timestampdatetimeLast update time of the card information.
provider.display_namestringDisplay name for the provider.Deprecated
provider.logo_uristringURI for the provider logo.Deprecated
provider.provider_idstringUnique identifier for the provider.

Note that the provider attributes display_name and logo_uri are deprecated. Details about providers are available through the separate /providers endpoint.

Get the balance on a card

Make a GET request to /cards/${account_id}/balance to get the balance on a user's card.

You need to enable the cards and balance scopes in Console to make this request.

/cards/{account_id}/balance request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \${account_id}/balance

/cards/{account_id}/balance response example

  "results": [
      "available": 3279.0,
      "currency": "GBP",
      "current": 20.0,
      "credit_limit": 3300,
      "last_statement_balance": 226,
      "last_statement_date": "2017-01-28",
      "payment_due": 5.0,
      "payment_due_date": "2017-02-24",
      "update_timestamp": "2017-02-247T17:29:24.740802Z"

/cards/{account_id}/balance response fields

availablenumberThe amount available to the card holder. This takes into account any pending transactions and credit limit.
currencystringISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code.
currentnumberThe amount of expenditure on the card. This does not include any pending transactions.
credit_limitnumberCard credit limit.
last_statement_balancenumberCard balance at time of last statement, if available.
last_statement_datestringDate of last statement, if available.
payment_duenumberMinimum amount required by due date.
payment_due_datenumberDate by which payment due should be remitted.
update_timestampdatetimeLast update time

You can optionally get an available amount in the response which takes any pending transactions into account.

A negative available amount means the card’s credit limit has been exceeded. A positive available amount represents the credit available to the cardholder.

Get transaction data for a card

To get transaction data from a user's card, make a GET request to /cards/${account_id}/transactions .

You can include the optional from and to parameters to retrieve transaction data from a specified period of time.


Ensure to use the from and to parameters together. Using just one of them changes the time period to a default value of 88 days.

You need to enable the cards and transactions scopes in Console to make this request.

/cards/{account_id}/transactions request

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \

/cards/{account_id}/transactions response example

  "results": [
      "transaction_id": "a15d8156569ba848d84c07c34d291bca",
      "timestamp": "2018-01-16T00:00:00+00:00",
      "amount": 24.25,
      "currency": "GBP",
      "description": "SAINSBURYS SMRKT STORE 128",
      "transaction_type": "DEBIT",
      "transaction_category": "PURCHASE",
      "running_balance": {
        "amount": 1238.60,
        "currency": "GBP"
      "meta": {
        "cardNumber": "1234********5678",
        "location": "INTERNET"
      "transaction_id": "af4d5470cc7ad6a83a02335ab8053481",
      "timestamp": "2018-03-19T00:00:00",
      "amount": 46.82,
      "currency": "GBP",
      "description": "TALKTALK TELECOM",
      "transaction_type": "DEBIT",
      "transaction_category": "PURCHASE",
        "provider_transaction_category": "DEB",
        "cardNumber": "1234********5678",
        "location": "INTERNET"

/cards/{account_id}/transactions response fields

transaction_idstringUnique identifier of the transaction in a request. It may change between requests.
timestampdatetimeDate the transaction was posted on the account.
descriptionstringOriginal description of the transaction as reported by the provider.
transaction_typestringType of the transaction. Possible values are:

- CREDIT: Indicates an incoming fund.
- DEBIT: Indicates an outgoing fund.
transaction_categorystringCategory of the transaction.
transaction_classificationarrayClassification of the transaction. Array can be empty if classification has not been successfully assigned.
amountnumberAmount of the transaction.

A positive transaction amount reflects the flow of funds out of a card, such as a purchase. A negative amount indicates the flow of funds into the card, for example a refund.
currencystringISO 4217 alpha-3 currency code.
metaobjectA collection of additional provider-specific transaction metadata.

You can optionally get a running_balance.amount in the response which displays any available running balance.

A positive running balance amount represents money owed to the provider by the cardholder. A negative running balance amount represents money owed to the cardholder by the provider.

For the complete list of optional and mandatory response parameters, see our API reference.


Pending transactions

It isn't possible to return a list of pending transactions for a specific time range, the API returns all pending transactions. Although most transactions clear within 7 days, transactions can be pending for up to 120 days.