Customise the Web SDK

Change elements of the Web SDK to suit your integration.

If you are using the Web SDK, you can customise some parts of the UI to improve your user experience. These options enable you to:

  • decide whether you want to include a Pay button or use the buttonless version of the SDK
  • change the size of the Pay button
  • change the radius of the border around the Pay button
  • mark the TrueLayer payment method as Recommended
  • use dynamic logos if you own multiple brands and want to ensure that your users recognise you at checkout
  • (if you integrate with the Small button) open the Learn more modal through a link that you create, instead of the default option within the Pay button

UI settings

You can change UI settings within the uiSettings object in the initWebSdk function.

Change the button size

The default size of the Pay button is large. This option includes the full container with the supporting information.

To change the size of the button, set size to 'small'. The small option displays only the button. You can use your own UI to display primer text to help your users understand the payment method.

If you don't pass a size object, or pass an empty size object, the button will is large by default.

See below for an example of changing the button size:

  uiSettings: {
    size: 'small',
Examples of the Web SDK button UI with the `large` and `small` button sizes.

Examples of the Web SDK button UI with the large and small button sizes.

The ‘Recommended’ tag

If you want to display the Recommended tag next to the TrueLayer payment option, set recommendedPaymentMethod to true.

See below for an example:

  uiSettings: {
    recommendedPaymentMethod: true,
An example of the `large` button style with the recommended tag enabled.

An example of the large button style with the recommended tag enabled.

Button border radius

To set the size of the border radius around the Pay button in pixels, set the borderRadius value within the uiSettings object.

For example:

  uiSettings: {
    recommendedPaymentMethod: true,
    size: 'large',
    borderRadius: 8,
Examples of how different values for border radius display on the `large` button. The default for `large` is 24px.

Examples of how different values for border radius display on the large button. The default for large is 24px.

Use your own payment button

The dynamic payment button is optimised to make sure your customers recognise the payment method, see the banks relevant to them, and see their saved accounts, right from your checkout. We recommend using our payment button wherever possible.

However, if our payment button doesn't work with your checkout, you have the option to use your own button instead. For example, if you display your payment options as radio buttons, you may not be able to include the TrueLayer dynamic button.

We also recommend the buttonless web SDK if you are building a checkout which needs additional UI elements (for example, a top-up flow for an iGaming account).

An example of the default button style, and a checkout with a new button style.

An example of the default button style, and a checkout with a new button style.

See our payment checkout guidelines for advice on how to design your own button, and the information that you should include at checkout.

To launch the payment flow from your own button, you need to:

  1. initialise and start the SDK on button click
  2. include the uiSettings.hideButton parameter.
  uiSettings: {
    hideButton: true

Additionally, when using your own payment button, we recommend that you develop logic so the user can resume an existing payment. For example, if a user cancels the payment flow and returns to your checkout, your button should update so that it resumes the existing payment and uses the same id. You can do this by by calling the start function again.

Dynamic logos

You can only set one logo per client ID in Console. However, if you want to process payments for multiple brands, you can optionally use different logos for different payments. Do this by defining an image URL in the merchantLogoUri field.

See an example below:

  uiSettings: {
    recommendedPaymentMethod: true,
    size: 'large',
    borderRadius: 8,
    merchantLogoUri: '',

To make the image display properly:

  • Ensure that your image is square, so that it renders properly when it is displayed in a circle
  • Ensure that your image is a PNG, JPG, JPEG or SVG
  • Compress your image so that it is 100x100–1500x1500 px

For security reasons, we need to allowlist the domains for your logo URLs for your account, so get in touch with us to set this up.

"Learn more" UI

If you are using a Large payment button, a Learn more link displays in the UI text. (Read below for more on changing the button size.) This opens a modal which explains how the TrueLayer payment method works to your end user.

If you are using a Small payment button, this link does not display, as the button renders by itself without any surroundings. Instead, we recommend that you set up an option to trigger the Learn more modal yourself, such as by creating your own Learn more button within your UI.

Return the openLearnMoreModal function when you initialize the SDK (using the initWebSdk function). You can then call openLearnMoreModal to dynamically open the modal.

See below for an example:

const { openLearnMoreModal, ... } = initWebSdk({

  .addEventListener('click', openLearnMoreModal)

Save details and reuse your user's bank info

There are two ways to save your user's bank info:

  • Use a preselected provider
  • Have your user save their bank account details (full name, sort code and account number) when they pay with TrueLayer at your checkout. This makes subsequent purchases much easier. We highly recommend that you use this method.

Your user can save as many bank account details as they want, and choose which bank details to use for each payment. Contact us to enable this option.

User scenarioPayment flowButton behaviourUser info that you need to provide
New userUser asked to select their bank on provider selection screenSDK displays top bank logos, ordered by highest market share- Name - One of email or phone number
Preselected providerNo provider selection screen. The user goes straight to the payment review screenSDK displays preselected bank logo- Name - One of email or phone number - Provider ID
Returning user, no saved accountNo provider selection. The user goes straight to the review screenSDK displays top bank logos, with previously used banks at the top of the list- Name - One of email or phone number
Returning user, saved accountUser asked to select their bank on a provider selection screenSDK shows last used saved account, with the option to switch to other saved accounts from a dropdown menu- Name, email or phone number


User details

To make sure that we can implement this functionality for your checkout, make sure to fill out the user object correctly when you initiate payments.

The 'Save details' feature

  1. After the user selects the bank account they want to pay with, they can choose to save their preferences.
  2. We store these preferences in our backend. You don't need to build any infrastructure for this.
  3. Next time the user pays you, they have the option to skip provider selection and use the same payment details that they used for the original payment.
    If there are saved payment details for that user, the Pay button reads Pay with and includes a bank logo and partially obscured account number.
  4. The user can choose to use the presaved sort code and account number. They can also select Change to use a different saved account, or to choose a different bank.
  5. The user is taken to their bank app or website to log in and authorise the payment, as normal.

See our Web SDK demo to see the different experience for a first time user, or returning user with saved details: