Monitor payment links

You can use webhooks or make an API call to check existing payment links.

Payment link webhooks

When a user creates a payment through a payment link, you receive the payment_link_payment_created webhook (the payment is created when the user clicks Pay Now on the first screen). This webhook provides a variety of information about the payment, including the payment id.

If your user successfully completes a payment, or hasn't made a payment when the payment link expires, you receive the payment_link_disabled webhook.

You receive the above webhook notifications when a payment link is created or disabled. However, to track the progress of a payment that's in progress, you must set up payment webhooks. The payment webhooks track the payment id, which you receive in the payment_link_payment_created webhook .

Check payment links with API requests

In addition to webhooks, you can also check the status of a payment link through a GET request to the /v3/payment-links/{id} endpoint. Ensure that you provide the path parameter with the payment link id you want to check.

When you check a payment link, it can have these statuses:

  • enabled: The payment link is ready for a user to access and create a payment through.
  • disabling: The payment associated with the payment link is being authorised by the user, and the payment link will transition disabled after the authorisation flow ends.
  • disabled: The payment link is disabled, either because it expired, or was fulfilled with a successful payment.

Next steps

Learn more about payment link webhook notifications.