Create payments to your merchant account

Pay in to your merchant account with a single payment, payment mandate or bank transfer.

Create a payment to your merchant account ID

When you create a payment with the /v3/payments endpoint, you can specify your merchant account as the beneficiary. To do so, provide your merchant_account_id as the value for the payment_method.beneficiary.merchant_account_id object.

Create a VRP mandate to your merchant account ID

When you create a variable recurring payment mandate with the /v3/mandates endpoint, you can specify your merchant account as the beneficiary. To do so, provide your merchant_account_id as the value for the mandate.sweeping.beneficiary.merchant_account_id or mandate.commercial.beneficiary.merchant_account_id object.

Pay your merchant account via bank details

You can also accept payments into your merchant account using the merchant account's account number and sort code or IBAN.

To find the details of your merchant account, either:

  • Sign in to Console, access your merchant account dashboard, select the merchant account to receive the payment, and click the Details tab
  • Use the /v3/merchant-account/{id} or /v3/merchant-account endpoint and check the account_identifiers object in the response.