Payments reporting in Console

All the reporting functionality for Payments API in Console.

There are three report types that you can see and export from Console:

  • merchant account balance reports
  • merchant account transactions reports
  • payment activities reports

These reports are all exportable in CSV format.

Merchant account balance reports

This report enables you to see the current balance in your merchant account. It is visible in the Merchant Accounts tab, inside Historical balances.

  • For a daily version, it includes the historical balance at start and end of the day
  • For a monthly version, it includes the historical balance at the start and end of the calendar month.

We recommend using this:

  • As part of daily or monthly reconciliation processes, alongside the transactions report
  • Sharing with auditors to demonstrate your balance at a specific point in time

You can download this report by clicking the document icon on the right of the table. When you hover over it, a tooltip displays that says “Download balance report for [the date range the report is for]”.

The information on this report can include:

  • created_date, the date on which the report was created
  • provider_name, which will be TrueLayer
  • merchant_name, the name of your merchant account
  • sort_code, the sort code of your account
  • account_number, the account number
  • iban, the IBAN of your account
  • currency, the currency that your merchant account is in
  • opening_balance_at, the beginning of the time that the report covers
  • opening_balance_amount, the amount of money in your merchant account at that time
  • closing_balance_at, the end of the time that the report covers
  • closing_balance_amount, the amount of money in your merchant account at that time

Most of these appear on all reports. The sort_code and account_number fields are empty if the payment is in EUR. IBAN appears for all payments.

You may have more than one merchant account associated with your client ID. Get reports for different merchant accounts by clicking between the merchant accounts at the top of the tab.

Merchant account transactions reports

This report contains all inbound and outbound transactions for a merchant account that were settled within a selected start date (inclusive) and end date (exclusive). This is useful for reconciliation, alongside the merchant account balance report.

Note that this report only tracks payments which have settled. If a payment has not settled, even if you have received a payment_creditable webhook, it will not display on this report.

The data on this report includes:

  • amount
  • currency
  • status
  • type
  • reference
  • remitter
  • beneficiary
  • transactionId
  • paymentId (if applicable)
  • payoutId (if applicable)
  • date

Quick generate a balance or transactions report

You can also quickly generate a report by clicking the Generate report button in the top right of the Merchant accounts tab. A dialog opens which enables you to choose to generate a balance or transactions report, over a daily or monthly time period.

Payments view

This report contains all payment activities created between the selected start date (inclusive) and end date (exclusive) for the provided client ID.

Payment activities include:

  • closed-loop payments, including any that are created on mandates
  • open-loop payments, including any that are created on mandates
  • closed-loop payouts
  • open-loop payouts
  • business account payouts
  • sweeping payouts
  • refunds
  • auto-refunds for external deposits, if the remitter of the external deposit is not on your allowlist of IBANs

Because payment activities can change as they transition through the payment lifecycle, this report can only represent a snapshot in time.

This means that reports for the same date range on future days sometimes include rows that change, up until payments reach their terminal status.

For example, the table on Monday can contain a payment that was created on Monday but didn’t settle until Wednesday. The transaction won’t affect your balance until Wednesday, but you still only see it on the report for Monday.

Therefore, we do not recommend using this report to reconcile with the merchant account balance. Use the merchant account transactions report for this instead.

You also cannot use this report for reconciling payments to the value of simple sweeping payouts. Payouts from the Simple Sweeping strategy have no direct relation to the payment activity or merchant account transactions.

You can find this table in the Payments tab. This table displays all payment activities for your application in the selected environment, including (but not limited to):

  • payments that come into your merchant account
  • payouts that come out of your merchant account
  • any open-loop payments made through TrueLayer APIs.

Export options

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Click the Export button to the top right of the table to create a report. You can adjust the settings by selecting options from the modal. For more about reporting in the payments view, see the Payments view docs.