Payout webhooks

Payout notifications sent to your webhook URI registered in Console, when a payout becomes executed or fails.

The Payments API sends webhooks for two of the statuses in the lifecycle of a payout: executed and failed. Learn about the other payout statuses, pending and authorized.

There are three different ways to specify the beneficiary of a payout: payouts to a payment source, payouts to an external account, and payouts to a business account. This guide includes webhook examples for payouts to each beneficiary type.

Payout to payment source webhooks

When you make a payout to a payment source. This is also called a closed-loop payout.


typestringType of the event. In this case, it would be: payout_executed
event_idstringThe UUID of that specific event.
event_versionnumberVersion of the event
payout_idstringUUID of the payout for which the webhook is being sent
executed_atstringTimestamp of the event, in ISO8601 format
beneficiary.typestringValue would be payment_source.

This indicates that the payout is made to the payment_source.
beneficiary.payment_source_idstringID of the external account which has become a payment source.
beneficiary.user_idstringID of the user that owns the external account.
scheme_idstringThe id of the scheme used to execute the payout. Values are:

- unknown
- faster_payments_service
- internal_transfer
- sepa_credit_transfer
- sepa_credit_transfer_instant
merchant_account_idstringThe merchant account the payout was made from.
current_balance_in_minornumberThe current balance of the merchant account in minor.
available_balance_in_minornumberThe available balance of the merchant account in minor.
metadatastringOptional field for adding custom key-value data to a resource. This object can contain a maximum of 10 key-value pairs, each with a maximum key length of 40 characters and a maximum value length of 500 characters.
  "type": "payout_executed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payout_id": "0cd1b0f7-71bc-4d24-b209-95259dadcc20",
  "executed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "beneficiary": {
    "type": "payment_source",
    "payment_source_id": "4a59c822-3bfb-42ba-9202-b6d89988a195",
    "user_id": "a0977be8-c406-4f75-bb81-b5ca0689b29b",
  "scheme_id": "faster_payments_service",


typestringType of the event. In this case, it would be: payout_failed
event_idstringThe UUID of that specific event
event_versionnumberThe version of the event
payout_idstringUUID of the payout for which the webhook is being sent
failed_atstringTimestamp of the event, in ISO8601 format
failure_reasonstringThe reason of the payout failure
beneficiary.typestringValue would be payment_source.

This indicates that the payout is made to the payment_source.
beneficiary.payment_source_idstringID of the external account which has become a payment source.
beneficiary.user_idstringID of the user that owns the external account.
merchant_account_idstringThe merchant account the payout was made from.
current_balance_in_minornumberThe current balance of the merchant account in minor.
available_balance_in_minornumberThe available balance of the merchant account in minor.
metadatastringOptional field for adding custom key-value data to a resource. This object can contain a maximum of 10 key-value pairs, each with a maximum key length of 40 characters and a maximum value length of 500 characters.
  "type": "payout_failed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payout_id": "0cd1b0f7-71bc-4d24-b209-95259dadcc20",
  "failed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "failure_reason": "insufficient_funds",
  "beneficiary": {
    "type": "payment_source",
    "payment_source_id": "9ac7ab1f-6229-47db-9e17-81072d2dbdf3",
    "user_id": "9775a22c-23c7-41c8-9e7c-1508997db9c0",

Payout to an external account webhooks

When you make a payout to an external account with its own specified account identifiers. This is also called an open-loop payout.


typestringType of the event. In this case, it would be: payout_executed
event_idstringThe UUID for that specific event
event_versionnumberVersion of the event
payout_idstringUUID of the payout for which the webhook is being sent
executed_atstringTimestamp of the event, in ISO8601 format
merchant_account_idstringThe merchant account the payout was made from.
current_balance_in_minornumberThe current balance of the merchant account in minor.
available_balance_in_minornumberThe available balance of the merchant account in minor.
metadatastringOptional field for adding custom key-value data to a resource. This object can contain a maximum of 10 key-value pairs, each with a maximum key length of 40 characters and a maximum value length of 500 characters.
scheme_idstringThe id of the scheme used to execute the payout. Values are:

- unknown
- faster_payments_service
- internal_transfer
- sepa_credit_transfer
- sepa_credit_transfer_instant
  "type": "payout_executed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payout_id": "0cd1b0f7-71bc-4d24-b209-95259dadcc20",
  "executed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "scheme_id": "faster_payments_service",


typestringType of the event. In this case, it would be: payout_failed
event_idstringThe UUID of that specific event
event_versionnumberVersion of the event
payout_idstringUUID of the payout for which the webhook is being sent
failed_atstringTimestamp of the event, in ISO8601 format
failure_reasonstringThe reason of the payout failure
merchant_account_idstringThe merchant account the payout was made from.
current_balance_in_minornumberThe current balance of the merchant account in minor.
available_balance_in_minornumberThe available balance of the merchant account in minor.
metadatastringOptional field for adding custom key-value data to a resource. This object can contain a maximum of 10 key-value pairs, each with a maximum key length of 40 characters and a maximum value length of 500 characters.
  "type": "payout_failed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payout_id": "0cd1b0f7-71bc-4d24-b209-95259dadcc20",
  "failed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "failure_reason": "scheme_error",

Payout to a business account

When you make a payout to the linked business account you specified during your onboarding with TrueLayer.


typestringType of the event. In this case, it would be: payout_executed
event_idstringThe UUID of that specific event.
event_versionnumberVersion of the event
payout_idstringUUID of the payout for which the webhook is being sent
executed_atstringTimestamp of the event, in ISO8601 format
beneficiary.typestringValue would be business_account
scheme_idstringThe id of the scheme used to execute the payout. Values are:

- unknown
- faster_payments_service
- internal_transfer
- sepa_credit_transfer
- sepa_credit_transfer_instant
merchant_account_idstringThe merchant account the payout was made from.
current_balance_in_minornumberThe current balance of the merchant account in minor.
available_balance_in_minornumberThe avilable balance of the merchant account in minor.
metadatastringOptional field for adding custom key-value data to a resource. This object can contain a maximum of 10 key-value pairs, each with a maximum key length of 40 characters and a maximum value length of 500 characters.
  "type": "payout_executed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payout_id": "0cd1b0f7-71bc-4d24-b209-95259dadcc20",
  "executed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "beneficiary": {
    "type": "business_account"
  "scheme_id": "faster_payments_service",


typestringType of the event. In this case, it would be: payout_failed
event_idstringThe UUID of that specific event.
event_versionnumberVersion of the event
payout_idstringUUID of the payout for which the webhook is being sent
failed_atstringTimestamp of the event, in ISO8601 format
beneficiary.typestringValue would be business_account.
merchant_account_idstringThe merchant account the payout was made from.
current_balance_in_minornumberThe current balance of the merchant account in minor.
available_balance_in_minornumberThe available balance of the merchant account in minor.
metadatastringOptional field for adding custom key-value data to a resource. This object can contain a maximum of 10 key-value pairs, each with a maximum key length of 40 characters and a maximum value length of 500 characters.
  "type": "payout_failed",
  "event_version": 1,
  "event_id": "b8d4dda0-ff2c-4d77-a6da-4615e4bad941",
  "payout_id": "0cd1b0f7-71bc-4d24-b209-95259dadcc20",
  "failed_at": "2021-12-25T15:00:00.000Z",
  "beneficiary": {
    "type": "business_account"