✅ Integration checklists

Learn every step needed to implement common use cases.

Out integration checklists provide a step-by-step walkthrough of every step you need to go live with a certain application. They explain the basics, with links to further information if you need to go more in-depth.

Payments integration checklist

This checklist explains how to make a closed-loop payment. This is where a user pays into your merchant account and you then make a closed-loop payout back to those same payment details. The two payments make up the closed loop.

As such, this checklist explains how to:

  • sign up to Console and set up your merchant account
  • create a payment into your merchant account
  • create a payout from your merchant account to the bank details that paid in to it before
After a closed-loop pay-in, you can can easily make multiple payouts to the same user, and also access other merchant account-related functionality.

After a closed-loop pay-in, you can can easily make multiple payouts to the same user, and also access other merchant account-related functionality.

Learn more in our payments integration checklist.

Payouts integration checklist

This checklist explains how to make an open-loop payout payout, where you make a payout to external bank details, such as SCAN details or an IBAN. Unlike a closed-loop payout, there is no need for the user to have previously paid into your merchant account.

As such, this checklist explains how to:

  • sign up to Console and set up your merchant account
  • make a payout to a set of bank details
  • monitor the progress of your payout

Learn more in our payouts integration checklist.