Mandate webhook specifications

Payment notifications sent to your webhook URI registered in the console, when a mandate becomes authorized, fails, or is revoked.


Notification that a mandate has been authorised

typestringType of the event ("mandate_authorized")
event_idstringA UUID for the event
event_versionstringThe version of the event schema
mandate_idstringThe unique ID for the mandate
authorized_atdatetimeAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the mandate was authorized
metadataobjectCustom key-value data supplied during mandate creation


Notification that a mandate has failed to be created

typestringType of the event ("mandate_failed")
event_idstringA UUID for the event
event_versionstringThe version of the event schema
mandate_idstringThe unique ID for the mandate
failed_atdatetimeAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the mandate failed to be authorized
failure_stagestringAn enum identifying where the mandate failed in it's lifecycle. Can be one of "authorization_required", "authorizing", "authorized"
failure_reasonstringThe reason the payment failed. Example values to expect: "authorization_failed", "provider_error", "provider_rejected", "internal_server_error", "invalid_sort_code", "invalid_request", "unknown_error". Implementations should expect other values, since there may be more failure reasons added in future
metadataobjectCustom key-value data supplied during mandate creation


Notification that a mandate has been revoked

typestringType of the event ("mandate_revoked")
event_idstringA UUID for the event
event_versionstringThe version of the event schema
mandate_idstringThe unique ID for the mandate
revoked_atdatetimeAn RFC-3339 timestamp of when the mandate was revoked
revocation_sourcestringAn enum identifying who revoked the mandate. Can be one of "client", "provider"
metadataobjectCustom key-value data supplied during mandate creation