App Settings

Manage your client ID and secret and configure return URIs in Console.

Access the App Settings page by clicking the cog icon at the top of the left side menu.


The Identifiers section on the right of the App Settings page contains two options:

  • client_id: This contains your client_id, which you need to authenticate your requests to any TrueLayer API.
    Your client_id must be between 4 and 30 lowercase characters, including letters and numbers. You can't use special characters. Include the name of your business or a variation on it.
    Click the blue button to copy your client_id to your clipboard.
  • client_secret: The secret key which you need to authenticate your API requests. This is blurred out on the App Settings screen, as you receive your client_secret as a text file when you either create a new app or click the red button to reset your secret.
    When you get your client_secret, store it securely and do not share it.

 Allowed redirect URIs

This section contains all of the possible return URIs for your application. These are used when you redirect users during [payment authorisation] or [data authentication].

To add a new return URI:

  1. Click the + button on the right side of the Allowed redirect URIs section.
  2. Enter your return URI.
    This must be in a valid URI format.
  3. Click the tick icon to the right of your URI to confirm your selection.
    Return URIs can take up to 15 minutes to take effect.

To delete or edit an existing URI, click the bin or pencil icon.

Important: you need to add a return_uri to the Console Settings or Payments will eventually fail to process.


The settings on this page apply only to the app you currently have open. To see and change the settings for a different app, click the dropdown menu in the top bar where the current app name displays.