Console introduction

Console is the back office platform that enables you to use any TrueLayer product. Use Console to manage your different integrations and quickly access payments data.

To use any TrueLayer products, you need to sign up to Console.

In Console, you and users within your organisation can:

The Console homepage guides you to product-specific integration options on the main page and in the sidebar to the left. When you first sign up for Console, you are taken through a wizard with instructions on how to get started.

The screen that displays when you sign into Console.

The Console homepage.

The Console menu

Integration options are grouped together in product-specific sections. Use the left menu in Console to navigate between these sections.


Legacy options

Some of the options in Console are specific to legacy products, particularly:

  • PayDirect
  • Payments v2
  • Payouts API.

If you are using the Payments API v3, you can find all customisation options for all Payments products (Payments, Payouts, VRP, Signup+) in the Payments section.

Icon in menuDescription

App settings

Set, view or reset your client_id and client_secret and edit your return URIs.

Data API

Configuration options for the Data API. You can:

- Build auth links for your users.
- Customise the UI of your auth dialog.

Verification API

Learn how to get started with the Verification API.


Configuration and administration options for the Payments API v3. You can:

- Upload a public key to sign requests.
- Edit Webhook URIs.
- View your merchant account balances.
- Set up sweeping from your merchant account.
- Customise the UI for the hosted payment page and payment links.
- View a dashboard of payments made through your integration.

Payments also contains UI customisation options for the legacy Payments API v2.

Payouts API

Configuration options for the legacy Payouts API.

Payouts are also supported with the Payments API v3.

PayDirect API

Configuration options for the legacy PayDirect API.

All PayDirect API functionality is supported by the Payments API v3.

Team members

A list of users with access to your application.

People with the Admin role can edit existing users' permissions or invite new users to the application.


Navigate to this very documentation site.


Open the support chat dialog, where you can find answers to common questions or ask a question.

Status page

Navigate to the service status page, where you can check the availability of TrueLayer's APIs.

You can also:

  • Click the name of your application in the drop-down in the top-left corner to switch between applications.
  • Toggle Live in the top-right corner to switch between sandbox and production environments.
  • Click your initials in the top-right corner to sign out or set up multi-factor authentication.