Authorise payments with the React Native SDK

Learn how to install the React Native SDK and process payments.

Before you start

Register a return URI in Console. Go to Console > Settings > Allowed redirect URIs to do this. Your user is redirected back to your redirect URL, typically your website or application, at the end of the payment journey.

You also need an integration that can create a payment, and get a payment id, to start the React Native SDK. Learn more about how to create a payment, and authenticate, and sign your requests (our payment quickstart guide provides an overview).

Software version dependencies

For iOS and Android respectively, the React Native SDK requires a minimum of:

  • Xcode 14.x and iOS 14.0
  • Android 5.0 (API level 21)

Configuration overview

There are four steps to configuring the React Native SDK to authorise payments:

  1. Install the SDK and platform-specific configuration
  2. Import the SDK and configure environments
  3. Process and check payments
  4. Handle the ProcessorResult

1. Install and set up the SDK

You can install the React Native SDK with either Yarn or npm.

To install the SDK with Yarn, run this command:

yarn add rn-truelayer-payments-sdk

To install the SDK with npm, run this command:

npm install rn-truelayer-payments-sdk --save

Additional configuration for iOS

To ensure that the React Native SDK can install new dependencies when needed, you should install Cocoapods.

In your iOS folder, run:

  • This command if using the new React Native architecture:
    RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED=1 bundle exec pod install
  • This command if using the old React Native architecture:
    bundle exec pod install

Additional configuration for Android

To remove excess LICENSE-MIT files and to be able to run on an Android API level beneath 26, you should enable core library desugaring and update packing options. To do this, update your Android file as follows:

android {
    // this part will enable core library desugaing
    compileOptions {
        coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
    // this part will remove excess LICENSE-MIT files
    packagingOptions {
        resources {
            pickFirsts += ['META-INF/LICENSE-MIT']

dependencies {
    // Add to your projects `build.gradle`.
    // We are currently using following version of desuga libraries
    coreLibraryDesugaring ""

Additional configuration for Expo

In your app.json file, you need to add the following configuration for the expo-build-properties

  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
          "android": {
            "compileSdkVersion": 33,
            "targetSdkVersion": 33,
            "buildToolsVersion": "33.0.0",
            "packagingOptions": {
              "exclude": ["META-INF/LICENSE-MIT"]
          "ios": {
            "deploymentTarget": "14.0"

The React Native SDK is a wrapper around a native mobile TrueLayer Payments SDK. It is not possible to use it with Expo for web.

It's also not possible to use the SDK within the Expo Go app. To test the SDK, you must build the Android and iOS apps. You can do that by running the following commands:

For Android:

npx expo prebuild
npx expo run:android

For iOS:

npx expo prebuild
npx expo run:ios

2. Import the SDK and configure environments

Once you've installed the SDK, the next step is to import the React Native SDK. Here's an example:

import {
} from "rn-truelayer-payments-sdk";

You can then configure your SDK to work in either the sandbox or production environment by using Environment.Sandbox or Environment.Production respectively:

  () => {
    console.log("Configure success");
  (reason) => {
    console.log("Configure failed " + reason);


You also use this configuration method to customise the React Native SDK by adding a theme.

3. Process and check payments

Once you've installed and configured the React Native SDK, you can process a payment. To do this, you must have created a payment and have its id.

In this section, learn how to:

Process a payment

Before you can process a payment, you must first make a successful POST request to the /v3/payments endpoint. Then, provide the parameters when you process the payment:

  paymentId: "", // Your payment ID,
  resourceToken: "", // Your payment token,
  redirectUri: "", // Your redirect URI,
// Optional payment preferences
	shouldPresentResultScreen: true, // Whether to display the payment result screen.
  preferredCounryCode: GB // The IOS 3166-2 country code, which determines the banks displayed.
}).then((result) => {
  switch (result.type) {
    case ResultType.Success:
      console.log(`processPayment success at step: ${result.step}`);
    case ResultType.Failure:
      console.log(`processPayment failure reason: ${result.reason}`);

The mandatory parameters in PaymentContext are:

  • paymentId: The payment id received after you created the payment.
  • resourceToken: The resource_token received after you created the payment.
  • redirectUri: Where the user should be redirected to after the authorization flow is completed outside of your app (bank website, HPP). This is usually your app's redirect URI, which you should add in Console,

The optional parameters in PaymentPreferences are:

  • shouldPresentResultScreen: A Boolean parameter that determines whether the payment result screen displays.
  • preferredCountryCode: You can use this with a two-character country code to specify which country to display payment providers for.
    If the code is invalid, or the country has no providers, the value defaults to the user's browser locale.

Handle redirects in the authorisation flow

The flow for payment authorisation through the React Native SDK, highlighting how the SDK is reinvoked after the user is returned to the Client App.

The flow for payment authorisation through the React Native SDK, highlighting how the SDK is reinvoked after the user is returned to the Client App.

At the end of a redirect flow the bank app relaunches your app with the redirect URI you specified in Console.

In your activity that launches when a deep link is triggered, you can fetch the redirect parameters from the url which will include the payment_id.

Whenever you are redirected to your app, you should reinvoke the SDK, until you receive a success or error callback.

By default the SDK offers a payment result screen, which displays the result of the payment and advises the user on what to do in case of a failed payment. If you disable the result screen, you can use the success or error callback to render a screen for your user when they return to your app.

AIS and PIS flow

To make the user experience simpler, you can give your user the option of creating an additional Data connection when they consent to a payment. This flow appears for some German banks when your user would need to input an IBAN at the authorisation stage.

When your user logs into their bank, a screen displays with a list of IBANs associated with their credentials. They can then select the IBAN that they want to pay with, without having to input it manually.

Check payment status

The React Native SDK offers the following method to check the status of a payment. You should consider this the best source of truth for the payment's status.

  paymentId: "", // Your payment ID,
  resourceToken: "", // Your payment token
}).then((result) => {
  switch (result.type) {
    case ResultType.Success:
      console.log(`paymentStatus success with status: ${result.status}`);
    case ResultType.Failure:
        `paymentStatus failed with the following reason: ${result.failure}`

This is a list of the different payment statuses the SDK can return. Learn more about payment statuses.

AuthorizationRequiredThe payment requires authorisation.
AuthorizingThe user is authorizing the payment.
AuthorizedThe user has authorised the payment with their bank.
ExecutedThe payment has been executed.
SettledThe funds have reached the destination.
FailedThe payment failed. This can be due to various reasons.

4. Handle the ProcessorResult

The processPayment method in the React Native SDK returns a ProcessorResult type.

Success cases

ProcessorResult.PaymentStep contains different success results that are part of the payment flow.

ExecutedThe bank confirmed the payment.
AuthorizedThe user authorised the payment with the bank.
RedirectThe user has been redirected to the bank to authorise the payment.
SettledThe funds have reached the destination.
WaitThe SDK flow is complete, but a decoupled authorisation action is still pending with the user and/or the bank.

Failure cases

ProcessorResult.FailureReason contains the reason why a payment failed. These reasons are shared across payments and mandates.

Expand to see all payment failure callbacks
ProcessorContextNotAvailableThe context provided to the SDK is invalid.
NoInternetThere was an issue while connecting to the internet. Either the user is offline, or the request timed out.
CommunicationIssueThere was an issue communicating with the server.
ConnectionSecurityIssueThe token used to make the payment or mandate is not authorized to undergo such an operation.
PaymentFailedThe payment or mandate is in a failed state. Click here for more information: payments or mandates.
WaitAbandonedThe user abandoned the payment on the wait screen.
UnknownThe SDK encountered an unexpected behaviour.
UserAbortedThe user cancelled the payment or mandate.
ProviderOfflineThe pre-selected provider was offline.
InvalidRedirectURIThe redirect URI passed to the SDK is invalid.
BlockedThe payment has been blocked due to a regulatory requirement. This may happen if the PSU fails a sanctions check.
InvalidAccountDetailsThe payment failed because either the creditor's or debtor's account details were invalid.
InvalidAccountHolderNameThe payment failed because the account holder's name details were invalid.
InvalidCredentialsThe banking credentials provided by the PSU to log into their bank were incorrect.
InvalidRemitterAccountThe account details of the remitter bank account provided during the payment flow were incorrect.
InvalidRequestThe payment failed due to invalid data in the request.
InvalidSortCodeThe payment failed due to an invalid sort code being provided.
InsufficientFundsThe PSU did not have the required balance in their account to complete this payment.
PaymentLimitExceededThe PSU's payment limit amount with their bank was breached.
ProviderErrorThe provider has unexpectedly failed when creating the payment.
ProviderExpiredThe payment failed because the token or exchange code used to communicate with the bank expired.
ProviderRejectedThe provider rejected the payment.
UserCanceledAtProviderThe payment failed because either the creditor's or debtor's account details were invalid.

Display the payment result screen

The payment result screen is enabled by default. To display it to your user after the payment is authorised (or fails) you must relaunch the SDK using the same PaymentContext you used when you first processed the payment.

Possible payment results and callbacks

When your user sees the payment result screen, you receive a ResultShown callback. This applies for both successful and failed payments, and contains the following properties, which explain the result the user saw:

List of payment result callbacks
ResultShown propertyDescription
NoneNo result screen was shown because it's either been opted out by the client or the user has been redirected.
InitiatedThe payment did not reach a final state and the user was shown the "Payment in progress" screen.
SuccessThe payment was completed successfully.
InsufficientFundsThe payment failed due to insufficient funds.
PaymentLimitExceededThe payment failed due to exceeding the payment limit.
UserCanceledAtProviderThe payment failed due to the user cancelling at the provider.
AuthorizationFailedThe payment failed due to authorization failure.
ExpiredThe payment failed due to expiring.
InvalidAccountDetailsThe payment failed due to the invalid account details.
InvalidGenericWithoutRetryThe payment failed and retry is not possible.
FailedThe payment failed to be set up.