Signup+ sandbox

Learn how to test different scenarios using our sandbox environment.

Learn how to test different scenarios using our sandbox environment.

To ensure you make requests to the sandbox environment, use the sandbox base URL before any requests. This is

On this page, you can read advice on how to:

Test the Payments flow with UK providers

Before you can test the Signup+ payments flow in sandbox, you must have a payment with a status of settled. After that, you can use the payment id to make a request to the Signup+ /signup-plus/payments endpoint.

1. Create a payment

See our documentation about how to create a payment. Additionally, our payments quickstart guide and Insomnia collection for Payments V3 may be useful.

The first step is to create a payment in the sandbox environment. Include the following values:

amount_in_minorValue for the scenario you want to test (see below)

Use the signupplus scope when authenticating the payment, so that you can use the same token with the <a href=”" target=”_blank”/signup-plus/payments endpoint later.


Set beneficiary to merchant_account

Signup+ does not support open-loop payments.

The sandbox payment authorisation flow redirects you to a mock UI provider where you authorise the payment. After authorisation, the payment usually settles within a few seconds. After this, you should have a payment_id with a status of settled available to use. We recommend that you wait for the payment_settled webhook.

If needed, call the /payments/{id} endpoint to check the current status of the payment.

2. Test different payments flow responses

Adjust the amount of the payment (amount_in_minor field) to test different scenarios with Signup+:

Value of amount_in_minorSignup+ response
Less than 10000Success: identity data found
Between 10000 and 25000 (inclusive)Error: joint accounts not supported
Greater than 25000Error: user data not found


Amount in minor notation

Make sure to convert the above amounts to minor notation when invoking our Payments API. For example, 250 GBP is 25000 in minor notation.

3. Make a payments request to Signup+

At this point, you should have a payment id for a settled payment, which was authorised with the signupplus scope enabled.

Make a GET request to the /signup-plus/payments endpoint. The Signup+ API reference and Insomnia collection can help you make this request. Include the id in the request.

Test age verification in a UK payment

As part of a payment into your merchant account, you can enable age verification. You have to contact us to enable this for you, in both the sandbox and live environments. This feature routes a payment through an intermediary TrueLayer account, checks the user is over 18 then either forwards the payment to you, or refunds it to the user. Verification can also check names, but you can't test this in sandbox with Signup+.

Include verification for your payments

If you've contacted us to enable verification for your client_id in sandbox, you can test it as part of a Signup+ payment in sandbox.

To test verification, ensure that you include payment_method.beneficiary.verification parameter in your closed-loop payment request to the /payments endpoint.

The verification parameter should have a value of true for the verification.date_of_birth, as you can only verify age in combination with Signup+, not name.

Test Signup+ with age verification

Once verification is enabled and included in your request, use these values for the amount_in_minor parameter to test different possible outcomes:

AmountSignup+ response
<1800Error: Age not legal
1800-10000Success: Identity data found
10000-25000Error: Joint accounts not supported
> 25000Error: User data not found

Test the Payments flow with Finnish providers

Follow this guide to create a payment, generate an authorisation link and finally retrieve your user's identity details. To test specific scenarios with Finnish banks, set

When integrating with Finnish banks, there are 3 test scenarios that you can trigger in our sandbox environment:

Identity authentication successful

To test the happy path:

  1. Create a payment with an amount up to 250 EUR (A value of 25000 for amount_in_minor).
  2. To mimic authentication with the identity provider, use one of the sets of test credentials below.
    Note that these test credentials are based on Signicat's test users table.
  3. Once the authorisation process is completed, validate that the outcome query parameter is set to success.
  4. Use the id of the payment to look up the user's identity.

Test credentials to test Finnish identity authentication

You can use these banks to test identity authentication with Signup+. OP and Aktia are usually the easiest providers to test with, as they have prepopulated user credentials on their test login pages.

Bank nameUsername (ID)PasswordNational ID number
POP Pankki11111111123456010100A001N
Danske Bank111111114545280453-111A
NordeaDEMOUSER1No password needed010200A9618
NordeaDEMOUSER2No password needed291292-918R
NordeaDEMOUSER3No password needed030883-925M
NordeaDEMOUSER4No password needed170677-924F
ÅlandsbankenNot available to testn/an/a
S-PankkiNot available to testn/an/a

Note that these credentials could change. Visit this link for the latest valid credentials.

Identity authentication cancelled by the user

To test this scenario, cancel the authentication process with any of the test providers on the identity provider selection screen. Aktia or Nordea are usually good candidates for testing this flow.

At the end of this flow, validate that the outcome query parameter is set to abort.

Identity authentication failed

Create a payment above 250 EUR to test this scenario.

At the end of the authentication process, validate that the received outcome query parameter is set to error.

Test the Data-only flow

Before you test the Signup+ Data-only flow, you must have a Data access token.

After that, use the account_id to make a request to the /signup-plus/accounts endpoint.

The first step is to generate an authorisation link in the sandbox environment. Include these values:


Ensure you have access to the redirect_uri (you can set this in Console).

Then, after opening the authorisation link into a browser, enter some test credentials. Using john/doe will return 3 accounts, 1 for each scenario.

Account numberScenario
25226660Success: identity data found
18917060Error: joint accounts not supported
00002724Error: user data not found

After you successfully authorise the account connection, you're redirected to your redirect_uri, which displays a code query parameter to grab.

Make a data request to Signup+

With the code you received in the previous step, make a request to the /signup-plus/accounts endpoint. Optionally, include the account_id query parameter.

Test the VRP flow

Before you test the Signup+ recurring payments flow, you need an authorised mandate. After that, use the mandate id to make a request to the /signup-plus/mandates endpoint.

1. Create a mandate

See our documentation about how to create a mandate. Additionally, our Insomnia collection for Payments V3 may be useful.

The first step is to create a mandate in the sandbox environment. When you do so, supply the following fields:

provider_idSuccess: identity data found
constraints.maximum_individual_amountValue for the scenario you want to test (see below)

Use the signupplus scope when authenticating the mandate, so that you can use the same token with the /signup-plus/mandates endpoint later.

2. Test different variable recurring payments flow responses

Adjust the value of the constraints.maximum_individual_amount in your sandbox payment (regardless of currency) to test different scenarios with Signup+:

<100000Success: identity data found
Between 100000 and 250000 (inclusive)Error: joint accounts not supported
> 250000 EURError: user data not found


Amounts in minor notation

Convert the above amounts to minor notation when invoking our Payments API. For example, 1000 EUR is 100000 in minor notation.

3. Make a VRP request to Signup+

At this point, you have a mandate id for a mandate with a status of authorized, which was authorised with the signupplus scope enabled. It is recommended to wait for the mandate_authorized webhook.

This means you can make a GET request to the /signup-plus/mandates endpoint.

The Signup+ API reference and Insomnia collection can help you make this request.